Our history


The Beginning of

Initially SLADEA focussed largely on adult literacy
and numeracy and to this end spearheaded the establishment of literacy classes in many towns.
The classes,
which were led by well-trained and highly motivated facilitators, attracted many adults and particularly women.



The Challenges brought by
Civil War

Sierra Leone’s civil conflict (1991–2002) created immense challenges but also opportunities for the advancement of adult education in the country. As a result of the war, many functionally educated adults reverted to illiteracy and after the cessation of hostilities they and many others developed a keen interest in our programmes, which they saw as offering a golden opportunity to emancipate themselves from poverty and ignorance.



Post-War Situation

The post-war situation has brought a need, especially among women and young people, to learn life skills
in order to better their own situation and that of their families. Many women are now family heads, single parents and bread-winners as a result of the death
of their husbands and male partners during the war.





Young people face a similar situation. Many were conscripted during the war and thus lost the opportunity
to acquire a formal education. They now find themselves unskilled and untrained and therefore unable to find a place in the modern economy. To help these unfortunate young people, SLADEA has opened many Continuing Education Centres (CECs), where young people are provided with training in life skills. Since the end of the war HIV/AIDS, human rights and peace education have also become important components of our adult education curriculum.
In this sense SLADEA literacy programmes are conceptualized as a contribution to building a culture of peace in post-war Sierra Leone.